Hire Purchase Agreement Termination

When entering into a hire purchase agreement, both the buyer and the seller sign a contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the deal. Under this arrangement, the buyer takes possession of the item but does not own it until they have made all the required payments.

However, there may be times when the buyer may want to terminate the hire purchase agreement before the end of the payment term. In such cases, it is essential to understand the legal implications and the process involved in terminating the agreement.

Terminating a hire purchase agreement

To terminate a hire purchase agreement, the buyer must have paid at least half of the total amount payable on the item. The seller must then issue a notice of termination, which must be in writing and signed by both parties.

The notice of termination should contain all the necessary information, such as the details of the item, the amount paid, the amount outstanding, and the date of termination. It should also give the buyer enough time to return the item to the seller.

The buyer is responsible for returning the item to the seller and must do so within 21 days of the termination notice. If the item is not in good condition, the seller may charge the buyer for any necessary repairs or losses.

Consequences of terminating a hire purchase agreement

Terminating a hire purchase agreement before the end of the payment term may have financial consequences. The buyer may be required to pay a termination fee or penalty that is outlined in the contract.

Additionally, if the buyer has paid less than half of the total amount payable, they may still owe the seller the remaining balance. In such cases, the seller may take legal action to recover the outstanding amount.


Terminating a hire purchase agreement before the end of the payment term is possible, but it is important to understand the legal implications and the process involved. Buyers must meet the necessary conditions and follow the steps outlined in the contract to avoid any financial repercussions. Sellers must ensure that the notice of termination contains all the necessary information and give the buyer enough time to return the item.